Dental bonding is an efficient, affordable way to enhance your smile. If small chips, gaps, discoloration, or misshapen teeth are keeping you from a confident grin, dental bonding from Mendota Springs Dentistry can help! Our doctors offer expert cosmetic dentistry services for patients in Fitchburg and Madison.
Dental bonding uses a special type of dental resin, which is similar to the resin used for a tooth-colored filling. This resin is applied directly to your teeth, and then sculpted and shaped into a natural, tooth-like appearance.
This allows dental bonding to be used to cover up imperfections and small chips in your teeth. Bonding can also be used to fill up gaps in your smile, and treat slightly-crooked teeth.
In some cases, it may be necessary to use shaping and contouring with dental bonding. Shaping and contouring refers to the trimming of your surrounding teeth. Small amounts of enamel may need to be removed to ensure that your new smile looks perfect.
The process of dental bonding is completely non-invasive, and usually does not even require any type of numbing agent or anesthetic. In addition, it usually only takes between 30-60 minutes per tooth, so most patients opt to have multiple teeth treated in a single appointment.
The procedure begins with a thorough cleaning to remove oral bacteria and plaque. Then, the teeth that are being treated will be etched with a special solution to ensure that the resin will have a strong, secure hold. Next, our dentists will select a dental resin that matches your teeth perfectly, and apply it to the tooth, sculpting it into the proper overall size and shape. After this, a UV light is used to harden the resin, allowing the resin to be trimmed and modified further. Once it is shaped into its final form, the procedure is complete and you’ll leave our office with a transformed smile.
Dental bonding has a number of unique benefits that make it a popular cosmetic treatment:
Completely non-invasive – No enamel must be removed during the dental bonding procedure, and the treatment is totally non-invasive, making it ideal for patients who don’t want to have dental surgery to enhance their smile.
Affordable – Dental bonding is one of the most affordable cosmetic dentistry procedures, allowing you to get fantastic results and a bright smile even on a tight budget.
Fast results – You can restore one or more of your teeth in just a single appointment, making dental bonding an ideal choice if you don’t want to schedule multiple visits for treatment over several weeks.
Interested in dental bonding in Five Points, Fitchburg or Madison? Schedule a consultation at Mendota Springs Dentistry and one of our dentists will examine your mouth and help you understand all of your options for cosmetic treatment, including dental bonding. To get started, contact us at (608) 237-6080 or come to our office at 6317 McKee Rd, #500, Fitchburg, WI 53719.
We look forward to meeting you.
Call (608) 237-6080 or schedule an appointment online to set up your first visit. We’ll be in touch soon.