Gum disease affects millions of Americans each year in the United States. It is a serious oral health condition that can have severe consequences if it is not handled quickly with the proper treatment and intervention. Mendota Springs Dentistry is proud to provide effective treatment for gum disease to our patients and residents of Fitchburg, Wisconsin. We are a comprehensive dental practice that is able to meet all of your needs with expert dental care treatments in a comfortable environment. Gum disease is brought on by a buildup of plaque at the gum line. Plaque is the sticky substance that coats your teeth each day after eating and drinking. It is made up of millions of bacteria that can cause serious damage to your mouth. These bacteria will eat away at the gums and cause infection to occur. If gum disease is caught in its earliest stage, it can be easily treated. However, when gum disease is allowed to progress without treatment, it can cause irreversible damage that will negatively impact your mouth for life.
There are specific treatments for gum disease that are highly effective, and our dentists are pleased to offer these to patients at Mendota Springs Dentistry. If you need treatment for gum disease, please call Mendota Springs Dentistry as soon as possible so that the health of your mouth can be restored.
In its earliest stage, gum disease is called gingivitis. Gingivitis is common among dental patients, with symptoms ranging from tender and swollen gums to gums that bleed easily while brushing the teeth. Many people tend to put off these symptoms as just a minor irritation, yet these are the first symptoms of a serious condition.
Gum disease is caused by improper oral health care. People need to brush and floss their teeth every single day. If you are not flossing your teeth, your teeth are susceptible to gum disease. Flossing your teeth is even more important than brushing them, yet flossing is the most neglected at-home dental hygiene habit. Floss removes bacteria-laden plaque from the tight spaces between the teeth and the gum line. Brushing the teeth is necessary for loosening plaque from the surfaces of the teeth, but if you are not flossing then your mouth is not as healthy as it needs to be.
At Mendota Springs Dentistry, we want to help all of our patients achieve and maintain optimal oral health. If you have any symptoms of gum disease (tender, swollen, red gums that bleed easily while brushing), please contact our dental practice today for successful treatment.
We look forward to meeting you.
Call (608) 237-6080 or schedule an appointment online to set up your first visit. We’ll be in touch soon.